VABILO NA PREDAVANJE - dr. Jan Kreuze: "Sekvenciranje in sestavljanje majhnih RNA molekul: rekonstrukcija virusnih genomov iz obrambnih molekul", v četrtek, 21.2.2013 bo ob 15.15 v Biološkem središču, predavalnica B2
Vabljeni na predavanje
dr. Jana Kreuza z naslovom "Sekvenciranje in sestavljanje majhnih RNA molekul: rekonstrukcija virusnih genomov iz obrambnih molekul"
Dr. Jan Kreuze je vodilni virolog iz CIP (International Potato Center)
in je partner v projektu q-DETECT.
Predavanje, ki bo v četrtek, 21.2.2013, ob 1515
v Biološkem središču v Ljubljani, Večna pot 111, v predavalnici B2,
organizira Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo in je odprto za javnost.
National Institute of Biology kindly invites you to attend the lecture:
"Small RNA sequencing and assembly: reconstructing viral genomes
from defence molecules."
by Jan Kreuze, Ph.D., principal virologist from International Potato Center
The lecture will take place on Thursday, the 21st of February 2013
at 15:15 p.m. in the Lecture Hall B2
of the Biological Centre, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
RNA silencing constitutes a fundamental antiviral defence mechanism in plants in which host enzymes cut viral RNA into pieces of 20-24 nucleotides. When isolated, sequenced en mass and properly assembled or aligned these virus-derived small RNA (sRNA) sequences can reconstitute genomic sequence information of the viruses being targeted in the plant. This
approach is independent of the ability to culture or purify the virus and does not require any specific amplification or enrichment of viral nucleic acids as it automatically enriches for small RNAs of viral origin by tapping into a natural antiviral defence mechanism. Results from the application of this technique to identify novel plant viruses as well as map variability and distribution of viruses will be presented.
Kindly invited!
Dodatne informacije:
Jana Erjavec;; 059 232 812