BIOSAFE targets Latin American expansion
Eysins, 12 December 2013
Following the set-up of a Shanghai-based Chinese subsidiary and its recent expansion in India, Biosafe is demonstrating its firm commitment to emerging markets with the creation of a new subsidiary and the opening today of a new office covering the Latin American area.
The new company, Biosafe do Brasil Participaçôes e Representações Ltda., based in the Vila Olímpia quarter of São Paulo Brazil, will provide support to Biosafe's existing distributors in the region, covering the markets of Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia. The office is also tasked with expanding the business into other promising Latin American countries.
A formal event to commemorate the opening of the new office will be held today at the Hotel Gran Estanplaza São Paulo, with a conference on cord blood and transplantation that will include a keynote presentation from Dr. Joanne Kurzberg (Director, Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Program Duke University and Director, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank).
Commenting on the opening of the new Latin American office, Claude Fell, Biosafe's Founder and Chairman of the Board remarked: "The opening of this new office is an integral part of our expansion in emerging economies and demonstrates our belief in the development potential of Latin America. We look forward to working closely with our clients and scientific partners and to expanding our activities in the region".
About the Biosafe Group
Founded in 1997 the Biosafe Group is active in the design, manufacture and marketing of automated cell processing systems. Headquartered in Switzerland and privately-owned, the Biosafe Group operates through regional subsidiaries (Geneva, Houston, Hong-Kong, Shanghai and São Paulo) and is present in more than 45 countries, either directly or through distributors.
For further information:
Christopher Bolton
Biosafe Group SA