Pricepirates helps online shoppers to seize bargains / New free price comparison program checks eBay auctions against thousands of shops
Cambridge (ots) - Buyertools Ltd this week is launching the first price comparison program, checking eBay auctions against thousands of stores. The new software called "Pricepirates" finds offers from merchants listed at, the world's largest product catalog, and on the Amazon Marketplace. Christoph Berndt, Managing Director of Buyertools Ltd states: "The application checks prices for more than 20 million offers within seconds!"
Buyertools states that it "put great emphasis on search speed, exceeding standard web browsers, and on a user friendly interface. Pricepirates helps to guide online shoppers hunting for bargains." The software will list prices to all matching offers within seconds. Christoph Berndt explains: "Unlike online price comparisons, Pricepirates manages to track eBay auctions against prices in shops across large markets, achieving the broadest comparison." Pricepirates generates in real time comprehensive lists which can be sorted. A mouse click opens the relevant product page at the selected online store. The user can add auctions to watch lists and even set the program to send an SMS reminder to bid just a few minutes before the hammer falls, reducing the opportunities for competing bidders. "We want to create real market transparency" says Berndt, "comparing prices from auctions on 13 regional eBay sites and 95 percent of the top 300 merchants in the USA, the majority of the leading merchants in the UK and thousands of smaller merchants across the globe". Pricepirates integrated statistics help to observe price developments on eBay over extended periods to compare them against current prices.
Buyertools guarantees the user's anonymity and that Pricepirates is free of ads, spyware and does not store personal data, these. No name is required to run a price search. "Pricepirates" is free:
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Buyertools Limited is the specialist developer of online auction, shopping and price comparison applications. "Our tools create transparency in an increasingly complex market place", says Managing Director Christoph Berndt, and adds: "We offer the bidder the tools and information necessary for a head start in any eBay auction or online purchase."
Buyertools Ltd.
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