Protection from osteoporosis - Bone is living tissue

Basel, Switzerland

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In Europe, a bone breaks every 30 seconds due to osteoporosis. Each year, nearly 1.5 million Americans over 50 suffer fractures caused by this bone disease.

Bone is a living tissue and is continuously renewed throughout life Peak bone mass is reached at the age of around thirty (see figure). After this age bone mass starts to decrease. Achieving a good peak bone mass is important in reducing the risk of osteoporosis in later life. This peak bone mass acts as 'bone capital' that is used throughout the rest of adult life.

The bone team: Calcium and vitamins D and K

A sufficient daily calcium intake is very important for healthy bones. But osteoporosis is not only a calcium issue. Calcium depends on vitamin D to be stored in the bones.

For many years, scientists assumed that the body's own production of vitamin D is sufficient to cover the requirements in humans. But insufficient sunlight in the winter months and lack of outdoor exercise can lead to a vitamin D deficiency.

When the body lacks the sun vitamin, bones increasingly lose their mineral content. Gradually osteoporosis develops, which increases the risk of bone fractures. Scientists have recognized this and recommend an increase in the daily vitamin D dosage. Experts advise that all adults - both young and old - should receive at least 800-1000 IU (20-25 micrograms) of vitamin D per day.

Meanwhile new data also point to Vitamin K as an important partner for calcium and vitamin D in the bone metabolism. The bone is only well taken care of if the entire team consisting of calcium and both vitamins is active. Fortified foods or supplements are essential in this regard. After all, healthy bones are the basis for a healthy life.

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