Help stop Swine Flu - First ever 24/7 flu widget alert
How can I protect myself and others? What can I do to prevent spreading swine flu? Where did the latest outbreaks occur? All urgent questions related to the threatening pandemic of "Swine Flu", where time is of essence and action needs to be taken immediately.
The Internet News Distribution Channel FEEDZILLA updates news and information around the clock to help answer all these queries. "Help stop the Flu" is available as a widget to be installed on your website or blog to keep you, visitors or customers to your site informed at all times. FEEDZILLA'S main focus is on prevention and containment. The specific widget on swine-flu will contain all pertinent information regarding your country of residence or travel-destination. An interactive world-map allows the user to access this information by just one click to any point on the map. Graphics are supplied by D-LABS. Most importantly FEEDZILLA does not rely on information generated by various search engines but provides its users with updated content handpicked by 30 globally located editors.
The FEEDZILLA website was started in 2005 and has gained substantial experience over the last years by providing content on a vast variety of subjects both on a global scale as well as specific countries.
Content providers include a large assortment of different media and company services. News and information are vetted and sorted by experienced FEEDZILLA editors 24 hours a day.
Assaf Suprasky,
CEO Feedzilla,
Phone: +49 (0) 33197992145