Vabilo na predavanje

Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite predavanja:

"Remodelling the cellular calcium homeostasis with a synthetic dihydropyrimidone, Nifetepimine: A targeted approach towards immune-rejuvenation and cancer regression",

Dr. Parimal C. Sen, Ph.D., F.N.A.Sc.

Division of Molecular Medicine, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India

Predavanje bo potekalo v četrtek 18. septembra 2014, ob 15.00 uri,

v Biološkem središču, Večna pot 111, v Ljubljani, v predavalnici B4.

Povzetek predavanja:

In the course of evolution, a number of agents have emerged as carriers of signals that are essential for the correct functioning of cell life. Ca2+ is the most versatile. It nearly triggers all cellular functions. Moreover, Ca2+ has a major function in triggering mitotic division in numerous cell types (e.g., T lymphocytes and of oocytes) and, conversely, in the regulation of cell death. In this presentation, I will discuss about the role of a synthetic compound called "Nifetepimine" in the regulation of cancer regression targeting SERCA (Ca-ATPase).

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