Vabilo na seminar / Invitation to a Lecture: "Biosocial Confluence: Mapping Futures Down a Complex Adaptive Stream"

Presented by Dr. Shé Mackenzie Hawke from the University of Sydney

"Biosocial Confluence: Mapping Futures Down a Complex Adaptive Stream"

Četrtek / Thursday 27. 9. 2018, ob / at 10:00 Predavalnica v pritličju Morske biološke postaje Piran, Fornače 41, Piran


The planet stands on the precipice of a new paradigm that calls us to re-position our relationship with the foundational element of water, and to engage with the broader environmental challenges of the Anthropocene Epoch more productively. This seminar re-invigorates Complex Adaptive Systems Theory (CAS originally spawned by Prigogine and Stengers 1977) and sets its mechanisms to a new ecological purpose. Adding water literacy (Hawke 2014) and a biosocial (Ingold and Palsson 2013) framework enables an analysis of the connectivity between natural and social worlds and systems, not as oppositional but as mutually co-evolving. Through the specificity of the hydrological cycle and its co-relations, crosscurrents are mapped, towards planning a possible future of resilience, respect and accountability. In such a future, natures agency, field and habitus (Bourdieu 1977) might be better recognised and valued, and progress the wise stewardship of sustainable water futures.

Biographical information about the author

Dr. Hawke is an interdisciplinary scholar from the University of Sydney, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies. Her research focus is the currency of water as it extends into multidisciplinary trajectories including biology, philosophy and theology, and sociology. In 2016 she was the Bley Stein Professorial Fellow at the Arava Institute of Environmental Science in Israel, lecturing on Cross Cultural Trans Boundary Sacred Ecologies of Water. She later presented at the Ludics Seminar Series, Harvard University USA, on The Play of Water. Her most recent book Aquamorphia: Falling for Water (Interactive Press) appeared in 2014 and is currently being translated into Greek. She lives in South Eastern Australia.

Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. / You are cordially invited to attend this lecture, which will be delivered in English.

Dodatne informacije: Patricija Mozetič, patricija.mozetic@nib.si, 059 232 914.