"Ocean Acidification Impact On Marine Calcifiers And Aquaculture In The Mediterranean Sea And Beyond"


Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite seminarja "Ocean Acidification Impact On Marine Calcifiers And Aquaculture In The Mediterranean Sea And Beyond", ki ga bo predstavila dr. Nina Bednaršek. Seminar bo v petek, 11. junija 2021, ob 9.15. Potekal bo preko povezave ZOOM. Povezava: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88294220739?pwd=Tzg5T2IyNHNkbWY5U1NENEFZOHhQZ z09

Povzetek: "My recent work focuses on investigating regional risks related to aquaculture and fisheries due to ocean acidification (OA) within an ocean governance framework of the Mediterranean Sea and its sub-basins. The premise of this research is that by understanding the risks under future OA scenarios and improved governance, we can improve informed near-term management response to allow for sustainability of the ecosystem services. The identified risks were based on the current and future OA conditions with specific focus on the horizontal and vertical pH and aragonite saturate state gradients and thresholds important for the aquaculture and associated ecosystem services. To link OA exposure and biological sensitivity, we produced depth-related pH and aragonite saturation state exposure maps and overlaid it with the existing aquaculture industry in the coastal waters of the Mediterranean basin. This provided a regional baseline for delineating future risks for the aquaculture sustainability under 2100 scenarios across the entire Mediterranean basin. This working framework ties closely with my concurrent research across different spatial scales (coastal, upwelling, polar to global) on marine calcifiers (pteropods, decapods, echinoderms, bivalves), combining observations, experiments, modelling and large data synthesis to develop specific thresholds and indicators. I will present several different aspects of my work to delineate the framework behind biological risk assessment under current and future OA scenarios."

Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
Vse, ki boste prisostvovali predavanju prosimo, da med predavanjem izključite mikrofone in izklopite kamere.

Dodatne informacije: dr. Nina Bednaršek, nina.bednarsek@nib.si

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