Vabilo na seminar: "Dissecting mechanisms of hypersensitive response-conferred resistance against viruses with spatiotemporal resolution", dr. Tjaše Lukan


Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite seminarja, za izvolitev v znanstveno raziskovalni naziv znanstveni sodelavec:

" Dissecting mechanisms of hypersensitive response-conferred resistance against viruses with spatiotemporal resolution",

ki ga bo predstavila

dr. Tjaša Lukan.

Seminar bo v sredo, 31. avgusta 2021, ob 11:00.

Potekal bo preko povezave ZOOM.

Povezava: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81348633905?pwd=OW5rWnUvK0hjejJsY1EzQmJvN2dOQT09 (Meeting ID: 813 4863 3905)


Plant pathogens are responsible for substantial economic losses. Understanding the exact mechanisms of plant response to pathogens which lead to resistance is required for the development of stress resilient plant varieties. Hypersensitive response (HR)-conferred resistance to viral infection restricts the virus spread and is accompanied by the induction of cell death, manifested as the formation of necrotic lesions. Whereas the activation of resistance (R) proteins has been intensively studied, the downstream signaling mechanisms leading to the restriction of the virus remain mostly unknown. In this presentation, key components crucial for successful HR leading to virus restriction will be revealed. Results showing that spatiotemporal regulation of key components and multiple connections between them are crucial for effectiveness of viral arrest will be presented.

Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. / You are cordially invited to attend this lecture, which will be delivered in English.

Vse, ki boste prisostvovali predavanju, prosimo, da med predavanjem izključite mikrofone in kamere.

Dodatne informacije: Tjaša Lukan, tjasa.lukan@nib.si

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