TalentJourney - Edina konstanta je sprememba

TalentJourney je bil 2-letni projekt, financiran iz programa Erasmus+ Evropske unije, ki se zaključuje oktobra. Z globokimi strukturnimi spremembami v družbeni in socialni sestavi sodobne družbe se povečuje razkorak med trgom dela in vsebinami poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Preveč je teoretičnega izobraževanja in premalo praktičnega. Naš namen je bil povezati izobraževalne ustanove in industrijo IoT z uporabnikom - študentom kot žariščem razvoja.

Zaključna konferenca TalentJourney je potekala v petek, 15. Oktobra, zaradi protipandemskih ukrepov preko spleta. Partnerjem na projektu in predstavnikom delovnega paketa je omogočila predstavitev dosežkov projekta in ter možnost, da predstavijo opravljeno delo na njihovih posameznih področjih in delijo svoje izkušnje pri delu na projektu ter nasvete za nadaljnji razvoj platforme TalentJourney in podobnih projektov v prihodnosti.

Konferenca je bila kratka retrospektiva rezultatov projekta in kratek pogled v zakulisje projekta ter vpogled v načrte za prihodnost. Časovnica projektnega dela se je začela z raziskavami o IoT, potrebami po kvalifikacijah v pametni proizvodnji na trgu dela, sledila je izgradnja struktur za poklicni razvoj za učitelje poklicnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja, vodstvo in mentorje iz podjetij na eni strani ter razvoj transnacionalnih poklicnih učnih načrtov in vseživljenjskih usposabljanj na področju interneta stvari na drugi strani. Sledilo je obdobje, ko smo te prve rezultate preizkušali v praksi, s pilotiranjem nadnacionalnih poklicnih učnih načrtov IoT in izvajanjem vseživljenjskih usposabljanj IoT na različnih stopnjah. Rezultate te faze lahko najdete kot posnetke na platformi TalentJourney.

TalentJourney je pomagal razviti štiri demo laboratorije IoT v štirih evropskih državah. Projektni partnerji so razvili profile, kažipote in načrt delovanja za platformo za odličnost IoT VET za regionalne in mednarodne ekosisteme. Vsemu temu je sledilo oblikovanje in razvoj digitalne platforme za odličnost IoT VET in njenih storitev, ter se zaključilo s podpisom partnerskega memoranduma o soglasju za skupno in trajnostno sodelovanje znotraj TalentJourneyja.

Platformo TalentJourney najdete na spletnem naslovu https://talentjourney.si/.

TalentJourney - The Only Constant is Change

TalentJourney was a 2-year project financed by Erasmus + programme of European union that is coming to its closing this october. It adresses the skill gaps in industry work force in EU. With profound structural changes in the social and social composition of modern society, the gap between the labor market and the content of vocational and technical education and training is widening. There is too much theoretical education and too little practical training. Our purpose was to connect educational institutions and the IoT industry with the user - the student as the focus of development.

The TalentJourney final conference took place on Friday 15th of October on Zoom. It gave the partners on the project and the work package representatives to introduce the results and findings as well as comprehensively present the work done on their particular fields and share their experience working on the project and advice for further development of the platform and similar projects in the future.

The conference was a short retrospective of project results and a brief look behind the scenes of the project as well as glimpse towards plans for the future. Project work timeline began with skills need research of IoT in smart manufacturing, followed by building structures for professional development for VET teachers, leadership and company trainers on one hand and development of trans-national vocational curricula and life-long trainings in IoT on the other hand. After that it was time to test these first results in practice, by piloting trans-national IoT vocational curricula, life-long trainings and virtual IoT master classes. The results of this stage can be found as recordings on the TalentJourney platform. TalentJourney helped develop four IoT demo labs in four European countries. Project partners developed design personas, user journeys, a service blueprint for Platform for IoT VET excellence for regional and international ecosystems. All this columnated into design and development of a digital platform to promote this Platform for IoT VET excellence and its services and ended with signing of a partnership memorandum of understanding for common and sustainable collaboration inside TalentJourney.

The final part of the conference was attached to the the closing event of the international COVE hackathon which featured two key speakers, João Santos, Senior expert in the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion at the European Commission and and Jernej Česen General manager at Outfit7, a successful worldwide company which represents a dynamic force in mobile gaming (the company best known for developing the character and universe of virtual cat Talking Tom). The speakers shared their experience working with COVE's and in modern multinational company that has risen from new technologies. They were followed by presentation of hackaton groups and the declaration of the winner of the hackaton.

You can find the TalentJourney platform at the web address https://talentjourney.si/.