P r e s s - I N F O R M A C I J E

P r e s s - I N F O R M A C I J E

WONDERLAND 2004 - 2006 / Ljubljana

11.03.2006 - 26.03.2006

otvoritev: 10.03.2006, 19.00h

11.03. - 26.03.2006, od 9:00 do 22:00

Pasaža Maximarketa





13.01.2006 - 24.01.2006

Vernissage: 13.01.2006, 19.00h

Press- and VIP-Exhibition-Tour : 13.01.2006, 16:00h

Open from 14.01. to 24.01.2006

DOM HDLU - Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika - www.hdlu.hr


Evropski arhitekturni projekt

Vse od junija 2004 potuje rastoča arhitekturna razstava skozi 9 evropskih držav. V vsaki državi se pridruži 11 skupin države gostiteljice. Po predhodnih postajah: Bratislava (Slovaška), Praga (Češka), Berlin (Nemčija), Amsterdam (Nizozemska), Pariz (Francija), Benetke (Italija), in Zagreb (Hrvaška) je Ljubljana zdaj osma postaja, kjer bo skupaj z 11imi prvotnimi avstrijskimi skupinami že 99 arhitekturnih skupin, ki bodo predstavljale izvlečke svojega dela vse od 11.03.2006 v Pasaži Maximarketa. V juniju 2006 se bo razstava vrnila na izvorno lokacijo z 99 Evropskimi arhitekturnimi skupinami.

Wonderland se je začel s predstavitvijo tekočih del enajstih izbranih arhitekturnih skupin s posebno krajinsko zasnovo razstave. Sestavlja jo 440 nosilcev informacij narejenih iz trdih plošč podjetja Funder. Imenujejo se pixli. Uspeh razstave v Avstriji je vzpodbudil nadaljevanje projekta v obliki evropske turneje. V vsaki od osmih držav je bilo povabljenih 11 skupin (Slovaška, Češka, Nemčija, Nizozemska, Francija, Italija, Hrvaška in Slovenija), da sodelujejo skupaj v krajini Wonderland in prikažejo svojo trenutno individualno produkcijo.

WL Exhibition location: Dom HDLU, Zagreb Pic: E. LeitSkupno število pixlov oziroma kvadratov ostaja enako na celotni turneji, medtem ko število skupin narašča v vsaki državi. Skupni teritorij se torej mora deliti: v Bratislavi na primer je imela vsaka skupina 20 kvadratov, v Ljubljani pa se bo vsaka izmed 99 skupin predstavila s štirimi. S tem narašča potreba, da se skupine osredotočijo na bistvene aspekte njihovega dela.


"Positions" March 11th 2006, 10:00h

Mestni Muzej, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana

Moderation: Maja Vardjan

CIRCUMSTANCES [Relevant for the architectural production of Croatia]

As an additional benefit for the network development and - communication accompanying workshops and open dialogues are organized to cover and discuss exciting topics relevant to the European architecture scene.

The workshop in Zagreb is titled Circumstances. These circumstances, though many product of a long and still present difficult transition, have local manifestations and unintended consequences that find generic reading as well, therefore subject of discussion from different points of view.

The workshop opens the possibility to debate about the pressing need of finding the necessary strategies in our profession to overcome some of the basic handicaps of such transitional circumstances.

Three key speakers from different backgrounds are going to introduce their distinctive understanding of the Circumstances with the hope that their viewpoints will provoke an active response and a dialogue between the participants. The personal discourses will be presented by: Maroje Mrduljaš, architect and art/architecture critic from Zagreb; Helena Paver Njirić, architect from Zagreb with a broad international carrier and Branimir Medić, architect, one of the partners of de Architecten Cie in Amsterdam that practices also in Zagreb.

Among many topics that might occur, the intention is to pose the questions as:

If the legislation is one of the main interfaces between investors and architects, what would be an instrumental reading of the normative to perform better solutions? How to improve some of its aspects?

How to find real dialogue with small entrepreneurs, investors and the corporate culture in general? What is the role of the Architect in such conditions?


juicy pool

Mag. Beatrix Roidinger

mobil: +43-699-148 148 11; office: +43-1-481 54 54/20,


Lokalni Wonderland v Sloveniji:

dekleva gregoric arhitekti

Tina Gregoric

T: +386 1 4267375, M: +386 41 958346

arh@dekleva-gregoric.com, www.dekleva-gregoric.com

OFIS arhitekti

Rok Oman and Špela Videcnik

T: +386 1 4260085, M: +386 41 511020

ofis@ofis-a.si, http://ofis-a.si/ofis.html