Vabilo na seminar NIB: "Establishing a Pipeline at NIB for Testing Behavioral Toxicity in Zebrafish Larvae: Challenges and Future Prospects", ki ga bo predstavil prof. Frank Scalzo, PhD


Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite seminarja

"Establishing a Pipeline at NIB for Testing Behavioral Toxicity in Zebrafish Larvae: Challenges and Future Prospects",

ki ga bo predstavil

prof. Frank Scalzo, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychology

Bard College

Annandale-on-Hudson, New York

Seminar bo v sredo, 10. maja 2023, ob 13. uri

v Biološkem središču, Večna pot 111, v Ljubljani, v predavalnici B3.

Abstract: Zebrafish have been used for decades to study developmental and many other biological processes. More recently, with the characterization of the zebrafish genome, the utility of the model is expanding to study a variety of human disease processes such as hypertension and schizophrenia. Most recently the potential to use the model to understand molecular processes underlying the adverse effects of drugs and environmental agents has begun to be realized. This presentation will review aspects of the zebrafish model relevant for understanding behavioral toxicity and discuss the benefits and challenges in using the model for large scale behavioral toxicity and risk assessment.

Vljudno vabljeni. Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.

Dodatne informacije: dr. Anže Županič, anze.zupanic@nib.si, Katja Sinur katja.sinur@nib.si .

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