Vabilo na seminarja NIB: "Genetic basis and prediction of plasticity in plant growth to nitrogen availability", prof. dr. Zoran Nikoloski in "A modular concept for the modeling of plant lipid metabolism", dr. Sandra Correa


Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite seminarjev,

"Genetic basis and prediction of plasticity in plant growth to nitrogen availability",

ki ga bo predstavil

prof. dr. Zoran Nikoloski

Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam &

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany


"A modular concept for the modeling of plant lipid metabolism",

ki ga bo predstavila

dr. Sandra Correa,

Research Assistant, Bioinformatics Group, University of Potsdam, Germany.

Seminarja bosta v sredo, 9. avgusta 2023, ob 13. uri

v predavalnici B3 Biološkega središča Biotehniške fakultete, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana.

Povzetek seminarja prof. dr. Zorana Nikoloskega:

"Plants can rapidly mitigate the effects of suboptimal growth environments by phenotypic plasticity of fitness-traits. While genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity offers the means for breeding climate-resilient crop lines, accurate genomic prediction models for plasticity of fitness-related traits are still lacking. Here, we will show how condition- and accession-specific metabolic models for 67 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions can be employed to dissect and predict plasticity of rosette growth to changes in nitrogen availability. We will also compare how genomic prediction models for plasticity can be used to improve genomic prediction models for fresh weight (FW) by integrating data on plasticity of metabolic fluxes. We will conclude the talk by discussion how the combination of metabolic and statistical modeling can help in understanding the molecular mechanisms and in improving the predictability of plasticity for fitness-related traits."

Povzetek seminarja dr. Sandre Correa:

"Gaining further understanding of the limiting steps of lipid accumulation in plants remains challenging due to the recognized complexity of this network. While plant metabolic modelling offers the means to better understand the cross-talk between pathways in lipid and central metabolism, comprehensive models of plant lipid metabolism are missing. Here, we will show a new metabolic modeling framework rooted in the concept of metabolic module. We will illustrate the modular framework by reconstructing the lipid metabolic module of Arabidopsis thaliana rosette that captures the accumulation routes for lipid species grouped into 25 classes. We will demonstrate through several case studies the usefulness of this framework and conclude with a discussion about how it might help to gain further understanding of lipid accumulation in plants."

Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. / You are cordially invited to attend this lecture, which will be delivered in English.

Dodatne informacije: Jan Zrimec, jan.zrimec@nib.si.

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