Morska biološka postaja Piran (Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo) Vas vabi, da se udeležite predavanja: ''Cyanobacteria as architects of sedimentary structures''
ki ga bo predstavil prof. dr. Stjepko Golubic,
iz Biological Science Center-a, Boston University, USA .
Predavanje bo potekalo v četrtek, 12. julija 2012, ob 13:00 uri, v veliki predavalnici Morske biološke postaje, Fornače 41, v Piranu.
O predavatelju:
He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 1963. His research concerns is the relationship between microorganisms and mineral deposits. It is by nature ecological and interdisciplinary, involving aspects of paleontology, sedimentology, and geochemistry. My interests include the role of phototrophic microorganisms in carbonate deposition and dissolution, ecology of modern stromatolites, biokarst formation, and use of microborings as paleoenvironmental indicators. Special interest focuses on diversity of cyanobacteria in the ecological context, reconciling molecular and phenotypic characterizations.
Research projects include (a) biosedimentation of microbialite forming and nitrogen fixing marine benthic cyanobacteria in tropical lagoons and coral reefs, (b) bioerosion and biokarst formation by microbial euendoliths in conjunction with grazing in shallow marine environments, (c) the study of microbial fossils including microborings as trace fossils, (d) the role of phototrophic and organotrophic euendoliths in coral skeletons, as potential opportunistic diseases when reef corals are under stress, and (e) formation of carbonate tufa deposits under microbial influence in past and present freshwater systems.
He obtained severalhonors, such as Fellowship of Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (1999); Senior Research Award, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation Bonn, Germany (1991); Best Paper Award, Coral Reefs (2005). Dr. Golubic participated in NASA (1977), National Academy of Sciences and Planetary Biology (1997-1980) panels.
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