Energy efficiency provided by Care-Energy / How to increase the visibility of the energy revolution and save money

In just one day from now, consumers will be able to save two cents on the current price of electricity - regardless of their electricity supplier.

Care-Energy has released its energy efficiency tariff, but what is the concept behind it and what are the benefits?

Firstly, this offer is aimed exclusively at energy efficiency customers with a maximum annual consumption of 10,000 kWh (useful energy from electricity) - if more is required, this needs to be requested separately.

The tariff itself is divided into three main groups.

1.) Energy from electricity

No matter who supplies the electricity, these costs will be reduced by two cents per kWh by issuing direct credit, with a 12-month guarantee (!). Care Energy only monitors the flow of energy and provides advice on efficient use.

2.) Energy from natural gas, wood, coal & oil

Whichever type of fuel you use for your heating, Care Energy will only monitor the flow of energy and provide advice on efficient use.

3.) CareCel photovoltaic module with no additional payment

With this tariff, Care-Energy provides a CareCel plug-in photovoltaic module at no additional cost. The customer is required to take out "all risk" insurance for the module at EUR 1 per month per module, which is valid for 36 months (theft, damage, hail, water, etc., EUR 70 deductible). Under optimum conditions, a CareCel will produce about 300 kWh a year. This will accordingly reduce the amount of energy consumed through the conventional electricity meter by 300 kWh. The electricity produced by the CareCel module is calculated by Care-Energy at the current price charged by the current electricity supplier minus 2 cents. The module and the produced electricity are the property of Care-Energy. Accounting is based on data from a counter in the CareCel module. The module is produced in Austria and will be partially assembled in sheltered workshops in the future. The module complies with all applicable regulations and technical connection requirements.

Basic monthly rate: 0.00 including 19% VAT for useful energy from electricity and gas

Energy service customers who do not wish to buy electricity or gas through Care-Energy and would like to buy their own CareCel can also save 2 cents per kWh on energy costs for electricity and support the energy revolution.

Care-Energy: the energy service provider for the energy revolution.

But what does this promotion offer apart from cost savings of 2 cents?

Care-Energy has over 380,000 customers in Germany. Imagine if each customer were to receive one of these modules, resulting in 380,000 CareCel modules on the grid.

Now imagine that these 380,000 modules were not installed in customers' homes but at a central location, as is standard in major projects.

It would become a major project with 76 MW power input, elaborate connections would need to be made, the grid would need to be developed to discharge the electricity, backup power stations would need to be built in order to avoid overloading the network and the feed-in tariff would need to be run on a diminishing scale for 20 years according to the German Renewable Energy Law (EEG), with one single customer - the network operator - and every single consumer would be charged a higher price for electricity due to the EEG surcharge. This would result in millions in costs for public services and the general public.

The Care-Energy project would also result in a 76 MW power plant, distributed in minimum quantities throughout the country, no single network operator would notice the in-feed, as it would not affect the public grid at all and would be consumed directly by each household, the public grids and existing power station would be relieved by this project, no EEG energy that needs to be paid for by all consumers would be produced, the electricity market would not be minimised to 20 years but in fact maximised to the 25-year lifecycle of the plant, so the electricity market for sales increases progressively, i.e. annually. Customers benefit from the price reduction of two cents per kWh in the cost structure and the general public is not charged at all.

Using this very system, Care-Energy is currently supplying electricity to towns and small cities in the Philippines and Ghana where there is no or an insufficient energy supply, with the aim of supplying people with sufficient energy in a self-sufficient, sustainable and - above all - inexpensive way. Complete supply by Care-Energy is certainly possible using CareCel, small wind turbines, heat pumps and energy storage - but the energy revolution can also be achieved on a step-by-step basis.

This is Care-Energy, this is the energy revolution.

Care Energy currently supplies 380,000 customers in Germany, employs nearly 7,000 people and is a German flagship company in terms of energy policy, as Care Energy has long been developing beyond the borders of Germany. This energy efficiency tariff is currently being successfully marketed and imported into the United States, Africa, Asia and Europe, bringing the energy consumer closer to an independent, self-sufficient, sustainable, cost-conscious and socially responsible energy supply.

mk-group Holding GmbH
Martin Richard Kristek (CEO)
T.: +49-40-414-314-858-0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CareEnergy

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