Publication of the programme for the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014

Top-level guests at the world's biggest safety & health convention - Day passes now bookable - Information for journalists

A world without serious accidents at work - this is the vision that will be discussed by politicians, scientists and experts from all over the world at the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, which is taking place in Frankfurt am Main from 24 to 27 August 2014. The emphasis is on such themes as innovation for better occupational safety & health, the promotion of health at work, environment, safety & health, and diversity & inclusion. Companies and organisations are presenting the latest trends and findings on accident prevention. At the simultaneously held International Media Festival on Prevention, films and information products on safety & health are being presented. 4,000 participants from more than 130 countries are expected. A number of celebrities - among them German Federal Minister of Labour Andrea Nahles - have pledged their attendance. Journalists can gain accreditation via the congress website.

Safety & health at work are key elements of sustainability and economic development. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), more than 300,000 people worldwide lose their lives each year due to accidents at work and more than 2 million due to work-related diseases. It is estimated that about 4 per cent of world gross domestic product is lost due to occupational accidents and work-related diseases.

The World Congress is being held by the ILO and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) together with the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) as the national host. DGUV is the umbrella association of the accident insurance institutions who insure a total of 76 million people in Germany against work- and school-related and commuting accidents and occupational diseases.

Top-level politicians expected

The congress will focus on prevention strategies like Vision Zero, diversity in the working world, and challenges for health at work. The spectrum of topics ranges from the prevention of psychosocial risks, ageing workforces, job insecurity, new energy sources, materials and nanotechnology to the development of a sustainable prevention culture. The programme can be viewed as of now on the congress website. The dynamic congress planner enables participants to compile their personal programmes. Day passes can now be booked.

Along with experts from science, safety & health, and industry, top-level politicians are expected at the congress - among them Andrea Nahles, German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Laura Räty, Finnish Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Richard Riot Anak Jaem, Malaysian Minister of Human Resources, and Hawazi Daipi, Parliamentary Secretary of State for Education and Labour in Singapore.

New interactive event formats

In addition to classical event formats, the congress is also going new ways in presentation: at the "Forum for Prevention", for example, the latest news from research, and proven and transferable examples of good practices and cooperation will be presented in a kind of market hall. Another highlight is the International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP), an international competition for the best films and digital media on occupational safety & health. A total of 290 entries from 33 countries are competing for the International Media Award for Prevention. On the outdoor fairgrounds, the Agora, exhibits on traffic safety, among others, will be on show. Immediately after the 2014 World Congress, the trade fair "Arbeitsschutz Aktuell" is taking place at the exhibition centre.

The programme for the 2014 World Congress and information on how to register can be obtained here: www.safety2014germany.com

Information for journalists: The diversity of topics covered by the World Congress is not only of interest to safety & health journalists, but those investigating environmental, health, economic and development issues will also find opportunities for broader reporting and research here. For journalists from the fields of health communication and film, the International Media Festival for Prevention offers material and occasions for reporting. Free accreditation is possible via the DGUV press office. Further information can be found here: https://www.safety2014germany.com/en/news/news.html

German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)
Media relations
Stefan Boltz
Tel.: +49 30 288763-768
E-Mail: presse@dguv.de
Fax: +49 30 288763-771
Mittelstraße 51, 10117 Berlin, Germany

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