Invitation to the 4th Colloquium of genetics

We are inviting you to the 4th Colloquium of genetics, which is organized by Genetic Society of Slovenia (GSS) in cooperation with Slovenian Society of Human Genetics (SSHG). The colloquium will be hold on

19th September 2014

at Marine Biology Station Piran,

National Institute of Biology

The purpose of the meeting is to present the research achievements of graduate students and post-graduate students in the field of molecular biology, genetics and genomics in relation with health, biotechnology, agriculture and environment.

Participants have to be under the age of 35; participants can also be students, which finished their PhD study, but the time elapsed between defence of PhD thesis and the last day of registration should not exceed more than one year. Contributions will be presented as short presentation (10 min) or as poster. The best presentations and posters will be awarded.

Meeting will include the following sections:

  1. Genomics
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Molecular basis of diseases
  4. Population genetics
  5. Interaction genome - environment
  6. Genomic interactions

Official language of the meeting will be English.

Registration fee is 15 EUR for students, 20 EUR for other members of GSS and 25 EUR for non-members of GSS. The fee includes meeting material, lunch and coffee within breaks.

Only GSS members that have already paid membership for year 2014 can participate at the meeting. Instructions for membership payment can be found on society web page: http://www.sgd.si/.

Instruction for preparation of contributions

Contributions can be submitted in two forms:

  • as abstracts (up to 250 words) or
  • as articles. An article has to include more than 4 pages/more than 8000 characters and have to be structured into following sections: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion.

Please send completed registration form and contributions to the following e-mail address: kolokvij.sgd@gmail.com

The last date for registration is 31st August 2014.

Payment of registration fee

Registration fee should be pay by bank transfer to GSS bank account.

Name:Genetics Society of Slovenia (GSS)
Address:Taborska ulica 8, 2000 Maribor
Bank account opened at NLB Podravje, Titova cesta 2, Maribor02014-0051073956
IBANSI56 0201 4005 1073 956

As payment intent it should be written >ČL colloquium - Name and Surname< of the participant.

On behalf of Organization Committee of GSS

How to apply: cklick on the registration form graphic at the top-left of text, print it, enter data and send it to GSS

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