MAXATOMSTROM offers 100% nuclear power plan beginning 01 December 2014 in Germany

• Environmentalists demand renaissance of nuclear power

• Nuclear power emits less CO2 than solar power

MAXATOMSTROM launches Germany's first nuclear power plan at the start of the UN Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru. The plan consists solely of nuclear power which leaves a smaller carbon footprint than solar power. MAXATOMSTROM demands a nuclear renaissance in Germany. Kerry Emanuel - Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT, Wade Allison - Emeritus Professor of Physics at Oxford University, Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, Physics Nobel Laureate Burton Richter and several other reputable scientists and environmentalists support this demand.

According to the company's spokesperson Jan Pflug, the plan is also a way to protest against failed climate policies: "Global emissions are rising despite all UN climate conferences. Germany, which is often touted as a role model, is a case in point: Currently, there are 8 coal plants under construction or in development in Germany. Electricity generation from lignite is at its highest level since German reunification." Pflug attributes this to the nuclear phase-out in 2011: "Coal got a big boost from the nuclear phase-out. Despite all claims to the contrary, we simply cannot quit both coal and nuclear at the same time."

To halt the coal boom, production of all forms of low-carbon energy needs to be expanded. Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore believes that nuclear energy should play an important role in this effort. He told MAXATOMSTROM that "there can be no doubt that nuclear energy is the most effective and efficient energy source to help reduce the use of fossil fuels."

MAXATOMSTROM's move to boost nuclear energy is also supported by Stephen Tindale - former head of Greenpeace UK, Australian climatologist Barry Brook, James Lovelock - originator of the Gaia Hypothesis, Baron Smith of Finsbury - former chairman of the UK Environment Agency, Robert Stone - an Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker and Stewart Brand - creator of the Whole Earth Catalog.

Even opponents of nuclear power acknowledge that it is a low carbon source of energy. For instance, Öko-Institut e.V., an environmental research institute that coined the term "Energiewende", noted in a 2007 study that one kilowatt-hour of nuclear energy generates only 31 grams of CO2. Solar power emits three times as much, and hard coal releases even thirty times as much CO2.

The new plan can be purchased as of 01 Dec 2014. By switching to MAXATOMSTROM, customers can reduce their CO2 footprints from nearly 2 tons down to 0.02 tons per year. More information can be obtained at www.maxatomstrom.de.

Press Contact:


Jan Pflug

Head of Communications

T: +4930 / 46999 1918

E: jan.pflug@maxatomstrom.de

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