AMU - Team Starts Programme-Work

Sbtl.: Cimoszemicz, Depenheuer, Kouchner, Macdonald, Pawlak, Steinbrück and Verheugen jointly develop the Modernisation Programme for Ukraine

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Vienna, May 13, 2015 - Founded in March 2015, The Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine (AMU) aims at uniting the knowledge of outstanding experts and experienced politicians from all over Europe. This cumulated know-how should conduce to the support of Ukraine and its further development. The programme process as a basis for this was launched today at the meeting of all the leaders in Vienna.

"We want to support Ukraine on the way of getting both feet standing firmly on the ground and becoming on a par with Europe", describes the AMU President Michael Spindelegger the fundamental aim of the AMU, "the base for this would be the developed democracy and flourishing economy."

For this goal, the development of the modernisation Programme for Ukraine was set as the first major objective of the AMU. Within 200 days a comprehensive Programme covering seven work streams, led by the outstanding experts and politicians, should be developed. The seven Workstream Leaders, who will contribute their, contracted, independent expertise are:

.) Wlodzimir Cimoszewicz for the work stream "Anti-Corruption", former Prime Minister, Minister of Justice in Poland.

.) Professor Otto Depenheuer: "Constitution", Professor of constitutional law, public law and philosophy of law at the University of Cologne

.) Bernard Kouchner: "Healthcare", former Minister of Public Health and Humanitarian Affairs in France, Founder of Doctors without Borders

.) Lord Macdonald, QC: "Rule of Law", member of the House of Lords and the Deputy High Court Judge

.) Waldemar Pawlak: "Economy", former Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy in Poland.

.) Peer Steinbrück: "Tax & Budget", former Federal Minister of Finance in Germany

.) Günter Verheugen: "EU-Integration", former Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry as well as for Enlargement

By mid-September the modernisation programme should be completed and handed to the Ukrainian Parliament. "Constant dialog with the Ukrainian civil society throughout the development of the programme is vital for us", emphasises Michael Spindelegger and mentions diverse surveys and public round tables as an example. As the second important dialog partner indicates the AMU President the Ukrainian social partnership represented by the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU), at the suggestion of which, the AMU was founded.

During the summer the AMU will organize at least one big round table, involving experts, NGOs and citizens of Ukraine, for each work stream. The series of round tables will start with the "Anti-Corruption" work stream in the beginning of June. (end)

Further information.

Bernhard Schragl

PR Manager, Spokesperson

The Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine

Renngasse 6-8, Top 504 | A-1010 Vienna | Entrance Wächtergasse 1

Phone +43 1 535 07 65-204

www.amukraine.org | bernhard.schragl@amukraine.org

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