Trilingual offer to cover work-related accidents and illnesses in Germany

Munich (ots) - Statutory accident insurance represented on the German social security website

A new website on social security in Germany (www.deutsche-sozialversicherung.de) offers anyone, at home or abroad, an overview of statutory accident insurance in Germany as well as information on health and pension schemes. Those planning a stay abroad or wishing to move to Germany can get information on how, when and where they are covered against work-related accidents and illnesses. There is also an explanation of the payments system and the purpose of statutory accident insurance, preventive measures and rehabilitation and compensation as well as the addresses of relevant agencies. A brief outline of the background story will explain the origins and purposes of accident insurance in Germany.

A presence on the German social security website adapts itself to several statutory accident insurance activities in Europe. Statutory accident insurance agencies, i.e. professional associations and accident insurance funds, including agricultural associations cooperate with several international institutions and organizations in other countries as many of their tasks demand international cooperation and appropriately organized solutions. In addition, German accident insurance agencies work on European networks and working groups, for example, the European Forum of Insurances against Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases (www.europeanforum.org). Accident insurance experts advise several central and eastern European EU candidate countries on matters of health and safety at work.

Statutory accident insurance has several special purposes in the carrying out of EU law and social security agreements e.g. providing medical care for the insured whilst abroad. Furthermore, the accident insurance also implements international law, for example regulations from the European Union.

The main professional association group (HVBG) is the liaison agency for statutory accident insurance in Germany. International agreements on social security stipulate a liaison agency for each State and sector. They have the specific task of supporting insurance agencies, companies, insured parties and others during the implementation of international agreements. They also have special individual tasks, e.g. payment of accident insurance pensions to beneficiaries abroad.

ots Original text: Bundesverband der Unfallkassen e.V. The following information is available online: Social security in Germany: www.deutsche-sozialversicherung.de www.social-insurance.de www.securite-sociale.de Statutory accident insurance in Germany: www.hvbg.de www.unfallkassen.de www.lsv-d.de Press contact: Contact: HVBG: Dr Dagmar Schittly, tel.: 030 288763-62, Fax: 030 288763-70 e-mail: dagmar.schittly@hvbg.de LB: Albert Münz, tel.: 0561 9359-240, Fax: 0561 9359-244 e-mail: presse1@bv.lsv.de BUK: Roswitha Breuer-Asomaning, tel.: 089 62272-163, Fax: 089-62272-200 e-mail: roswitha.breuer@unfallkassen.de

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