The electronic invoicing market is facing a massive change

Global market report published by Billentis, May 2017

The private industry was the main driver for the market development in phase one, but is increasingly supported by the public sector. The VAT gap becomes more and more the main accelerator for the digitalisation. Tax payers are increasingly required to use real-time clearance models. The model might gradually conquer the world, and it is expected to be the dominant method globally from 2025. It will eventually cover all kinds of fiscal documents, such as invoices, payment receipts, credit/debit notes, monthly salary statements etc.

Today's business models evolved through decades, which focused on conventional paper pro-cessing. Organisations are usually taking a gradual approach to replacing these systems with digital substitutes. Small steps can only create incremental improvements.

A rapidly growing number of disruptive next-generation technologies pave the way to substitute old solutions and processes by a completely new approach. A powerful market transition is taking place in our industry. This phase can mean an opportunity or a threat.

Because of the attractiveness of this market, numerous providers offer e-invoicing solutions. There is therefore no lack of offers. Rather, users are now looking for all-encompassing information. A new market report is provided as help for companies which want to choose the best model for themselves and find a suitable solution. The author is the international market analyst, Bruno Koch of Billentis.

The report is aimed at supporting invoice issuers and recipients in replacing expensive, paper-based invoicing with modern, automated processes. About 140 pages offer readers facts on market development, relevant initiatives, tips for implementing solutions and the profiles of 30+ leading solution providers.

The report is available free of charge:


Media contact: pr7 (at) billentis.com, +41 71 911 60 32

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