Experts from MTV Europe, MIT and Microsoft Research Lab to attend first-ever international word of mouth Marketing conference in Hamburg

HAMBURG, Germany, August 3/PRNewswire/ --

Numerous companies are trying - and in some cases are being compelled -

to reduce their marketing and advertising expenditures, while at the same

increasing their turnover. This trend is making phenomena such as word of

mouth marketing an increasingly important factor in market strategizing.

The first-ever international conference on word of mouth marketing will

be held from October 6-7, 2005 in Hamburg, Germany. More than 200 prominent

marketing experts and researchers from around the world will gather to

discuss with other attendees the latest marketing approaches and future

trends in the realm of word of mouth marketing.

The event is being sponsored by Brand Science Institute with a view to

providing a forum at which marketing practitioners can productively exchange

experiences and explore unresolved word of mouth marketing issues. In

addition to prominent industry players such as MTV Europe and Millward Brown,

researchers from MIT and Microsoft Research Lab will also be in attendance.

"Positive word of mouth advertising is the top priority in today's

companies, since the number of target groups is now beyond the reach of

classic marketing channels," noted Dr. Nils Andres, Executive Director and

founder of Brand Science Institute. "Our goal in sponsoring this event is to

increase the body of knowledge and catalyze research on word of mouth

advertising by holding workshops and roundtable discussion on the relevant

issues with marketing practitioners, creative directors, and researchers."

This international event is aimed at marketing, PR and advertising

managers who would like to obtain a wealth of information regarding current

trends and new horizons in the realm of word of mouth advertising. Roundtable

discussions held by subject experts will focus on (among other things) social

software in the guise of weblogs and moblogs, cutting-edge product placement

methods, and the efficacious use of consumers as brand messengers.

About Brand Science Institute:

Brand Science Institute is an internationally active business consultancy

that specializes in bridging the gap between market research and marketing

practice. The Institute implements, on behalf of its corporate customers, new

market research approaches and paradigms in day-to-day enterprise marketing

management practice.

Press contact:

Dr. Nils Andres

Elbberg 6, 22767 Hamburg

Tel.: +49-40-410-98-56-0

Fax: +49-40-410-98-56-9

email: andres@b-s-i.org

web: www.b-s-i.org/wom