Austrian cult candy: PEZ celebrates its 80th anniversary with a unique charity campaign!
From october to november collectors can purchase different PEZ-objects by a worldwide ebay-auction - UNICEF will get the revenues.
The name PEZ comes from the word peppermint: a bonbon candy with a whiff of peppermint aroma - this was the very first PEZ in 1927, the year the company was established by Eduard Haas III. Initially sold as a �"luxury confection for wealthy people", children were soon discovered as the target group. PEZ became a worldwide success by using Disney comic figures as the heads of the dispensers. This idea has made PEZ attractive not only for children, but meanwhile for a huge community of collectors worldwide.
PEZ celebrates the 80th birthday of the cult candy with a unique charity campaign: �"To celebrate this anniversary we developed an exclusive Mickey Mouse dispenser series that will be sold, in a unique charitable action, via the food trade and put up for auction in cooperation with eBay. For the benefit of UNICEF", says Manfred Födermayr, CEO PEZ Group.
Gudrun Berger, Executive Director of UNICEF Austria, is also very glad about the social commitment of PEZ: �"In times when child trafficking has become a billion dollar industry, and when there are still children starving to death, it is more important than ever for international enterprises to join the fight for the children�'s rights. In this sense I wish PEZ International all the best for its 80th birthday!"
�"Due to Pam Omidyar, a dedicated PEZ collector and wife of eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, the founding history of eBay is tightly interwoven with the PEZ brand. Accordingly, we are happy to support PEZ and the good cause on the occasion of the 80th birthday of PEZ. The limited edition of collectibles is bound to strike a chord with the community of collectors", says Alberto Sanz of eBay.
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