BOC Releases ADONIS:Community Edition Free of Charge

Vienna, 2008-02-18: Today the BOC Group announced the release of their flagship Business Process Management tool ADONIS as a free download. The software is available for download at www.adonis-community.com.

ADONIS:CE is a functional and feature rich stand-alone version of ADONIS, with few limitations in comparison to the commercial editions. In addition to its powerful modelling and simulation capabilities (four simulation algorithms), ADONIS:CE also provides BPMN support, a BPEL export functionality as well as specific mechanisms for Risk Management. Through the bi-directional XML interface that ADONIS:CE offers, it is possible to integrate the software with other tools and systems. With its comprehensive functionalities and its powerful support of different application areas, ADONIS:CE is an ideal stepping stone to professional Business Process Management.

The BOC Group is the vendor of the BOC Management Office, a tool-suite for IT supported management consisting of the tool ADOscore for Strategy and Performance Management, ADONIS for Business Process Management, ADOlog for Supply Chain Management and ADOit for IT Service and Architecture Management. The BOC Group is active worldwide with headquarters located in Vienna, Austria.

ADONIS, ADOscore, ADOlog and ADOit are registered trademarks of BOC AG.


BOC Information Technologies Consulting AG

Wipplingerstr. 1

1010 Wien


Phone: +43-1-513 27 36-10
