A magazine for ten countries: Turntable Baltic Sea gets a common medium: the baltic sea magazine

HAMBURG, Germany, April 10/ The publishers of the new magazine are the Breitengrad Verlag, Hamburg, and the Baltic Sea Forum, presided over by the former German Federal Minister of Transport Kurt


Over more than 80 pages, the independent baltic sea magazine quarterly reports on business, politics and society in the Baltic Sea region, as well as on news and topics of interest in the fields of lifestyle and culture. Stories, interviews and background reports in German and English discuss topics touching the 10 states sharing the Baltic coastline.

EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs talks about the energy crisis

In the very first 2008 edition, the new energy crisis of dwindling raw material deposits and skyrocketing prices is the focal international topic, researched in ten countries. EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs takes a current stand on this in the magazine.

Interview with Finland's Minister for Economic Affairs

In addition to many other topics, the magazine also focuses on Finland in a multi-page portrait, conducts an exclusive interview with the Finnish Minister for Economic Affairs and features the "impossible" IKEA founder, Ingvar Kamprad, in a comprehensive feature.

The Editors

The Baltic Sea Forum was founded in 1992 under the name Pro Baltica Forum and supports the economic, political and cultural consolidation of the countries sharing the Baltic Sea coastline. The Forum is an international club concerned with the interests of the Baltic Sea region. The Forum also has a network of individual members, business members and representatives in all the countries abutting the Baltic Sea.

The Breitengrad Verlag, Hamburg, publishes its own B2B, special interest and technical books in the areas of harbor management, transport and logistics, life sciences and environment & sustainability. Corporate publishing products are also produced for customers, on order. Besides publishing the baltic sea magazine as an international quarterly, the publisher is also present on the magazine market with its monthly edition of Hafenreport.

The baltic sea magazine is immediately available, distributed directly across Europe, or online at http://www.balticseamagazine.eu at a price of EUR 9.50.


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