Complete T&M portfolio from Rohde & Schwarz speeds successful rollouts of LTE-FDD and TD-LTE networks

The first LTE-FDD and TD-LTE networks are being rolled out in Europe, the USA and in Asia. These new wireless communications standards have extremely high data rates - up to 100 Mbit/s - that allow high-speed mobile internet access. Rohde & Schwarz offers the T&M equipment to ensure the rapid deployment of LTE-FDD and TD-LTE. The company has a complete product portfolio for developing and manufacturing chipsets, user equipment and infrastructure as well as for network planning, setup and monitoring. Rohde & Schwarz presents its solutions for LTE at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (hall 1, booth 1D33).

For detailed information, visit www.rohde-schwarz.com/ad/TD-LTEpressreleas/

Press contacts:

Europe (headquarters): Monika Roth, Phone: +49 89 4129 12232, E-mail: press@rohde-schwarz.com

North America: Chris Petrole, Phone: +1 410 910 7836, E-mail: chris.petrole@rsa.rohde-schwarz.com

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