Single-source for ATC communications - Rohde & Schwarz offers new voice communications systems

Rohde & Schwarz adds voice communications systems (VCS) to its air traffic control (ATC) portfolio. The established radiocommunications expert now offers complete IP-based system solutions, from the air traffic controller microphone to the radio antenna. The volume of air traffic has significantly increased in the last 20 years and it will continue to do so. Airports around the world are having to increase their capacity. Initiatives such as the European Commission's Single European Sky are driving the migration from analog and digital technologies to voice over IP (VoIP): VoIP is required for the harmonization of European airspace communications technology in order to achieve interoperability among ATC authorities. The technologically superior solutions from Rohde & Schwarz fulfill the requirements of the ATC market.

The safety of more than four billion passengers a year depends to a large extent on uninterrupted communications between air traffic controllers and pilots, from takeoff to landing. This is why ATC authorities need high-availability communications solutions, from the controller microphone to the radio antenna.

"Safety is the top priority in air traffic management. For decades, Rohde & Schwarz has been viewed as a reliable partner for radiocommunications solutions. The reliability and high quality of our system solutions has been proven in more than 200 airports in over 80 countries," says Herbert Rewitzer, Head of the Radiocommunications Systems Division and a member of the Executive Board at Rohde & Schwarz. "The new R&S VCS-4G family of voice communications systems is a logical extension of this system expertise."

Please read on at www.rohde-schwarz.com/ad/news/vcs-4g

Press contacts:

Europe (headquarters): Katrin Wehle, Phone: +49 89 4129 11378, E-mail: press@rohde-schwarz.com

North America: Chris Petrole, Phone: +1 410 910 7836, E-mail: chris.petrole@rsa.rohde-schwarz.com

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