Von Mühlenen's Le Gruyère Premier Cru won 2 major awards "Best specialty cheese" and "Best single specialty cheese - hard pressed, produced outside of the UK".

Nantwich, 28th July 2011

Von Mühlenen again shows its consistency by winning 2 Gold awards, 1 Silver and 1 Highly commended award, and then going on to win 2 major awards for "Best Specialty Cheese" and "Best Single Specialty cheese - hard pressed, produced outside of the UK" for its Le Gruyère Premier Cru at the International Cheese Awards Nantwich, Cheshire on July 26/27th 2011; also it was with von Mühlenen's Gruyère for which Sainsbury's won the Interprofession du Gruyère Trophy for "Best Continental Specialty Cheese - Retail class".

Previously, Von Mühlenen was awarded with Supreme Champion - "Best Continental Cheese - Supreme Champion Overseas" in 2009 & "Best Swiss Cheese" in 2009 & 2010 at Nantwich.

Competition was stronger than ever in this 115th year with overseas entrants growing, and with total record entries of over 3700 cheeses.

The 2 Gold awards won, along with the 2 major awards won, were with Gruyère cheese from different BRC accredited dairies.

The Nantwich International Cheese show was founded in 1897 and is one of the oldest and most traditional cheese events in the world.

This comes with complimentary successes at the World Cheese Awards in London being awarded World Champion of all Categories in 1992, 2002, 2005 & overall 2nd in 2008, this is another important milestone for Swiss Cheese & von Mühlenen and now also the parent Swiss company Cremo, who bought the business and continues to support Von Mühlenen and its traditional brand in the UK and throughout the world.

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Paul Clarke

Sales & Marketing Director von Mühlenen AG

UK office

Mobile: +44-777-193-12-46

E-Mail: pclarke@vonmuhlenen.ch

Internet: www.vonmuhlenen.ch

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