2011 annual results: Union Bancaire Privée books a consolidated profit of CHF 198 million before ABN AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG integration costs

Geneva, Switzerland

  • Seeing healthy prospects in the private banking industry, Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) strengthened its presence in that area of the Swiss market with the acquisition of ABN AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG in the second half of 2011
  • UBP booked consolidated profit of CHF 198 million (USD 211.7 million) for the 2011 financial year (-8% on the previous year), excluding the costs related to integrating the new acquisition. Taking into account acquisition expenses of CHF 22 million (USD 23.5 million), the net profit for 2011 are CHF 176 million (USD 188.2 million)
  • Assets under management amounted to CHF 72 billion (USD 77 billion) as at 31 December 2011, compared to CHF 65 billion (USD 69.2 billion) a year earlier (corresponding to a 10.8% increase). This increase principally comes from the acquisition of ABN AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG
  • A cautious risk and balance-sheet management have afforded UBP a strong financial base with a Tier 1 ratio of 22.1% after the acquisition, making it one of the best-capitalised banks in Switzerland.

Profitability maintained

In the financial year 2011 UBP recorded a consolidated profit of CHF 198 million (8% less than the previous year), not including the expenses related to the take-over of ABN AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG. Taking into account those costs, the net earnings amount to CHF 176 million.

Income came in at CHF 763 million (USD 816 million) for the year, almost the same as in 2010 (CHF 766 million). Interest income was CHF 163 million (USD 174.3 million), in line with the previous year (CHF 162 million). Amid strong volatility, trading accounted for CHF 163 million (USD 174.3 million). UBP's operating expenses were kept well under control (-4% on a like-for-like basis on the previous year) at CHF 508 million (USD 543.2 million), taking into account expenses related to the acquisition deal concluded in 2011. The consolidated cost/income ratio for the Group was 66.6%.

Sound financial base

The balance sheet total reached CHF 18 billion (USD 19.3 billion), and the return on shareholders' equity for the 2011 financial year was 10.6%. Overall the balance sheet remained stable, with a high level of liquidity. By pursuing a conservative approach to risk management, UBP has maintained a solid financial base and a strong balance sheet. With a Tier 1 capital ratio of 22.1%, UBP is one of Switzerland's best-capitalised banks.

Investment convictions

Having made some major changes to its business model in 2010, UBP continued to invest in Private Banking - through its acquisition of ABN AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG and the creation of teams specialised in emerging markets - and in Asset Management with the creation of two joint ventures in Asia, a high-priority growth market for UBP.

Amid the uncertainty pervading the economy and financial markets, the Bank's investment strategy has been to prioritise the preservation of its clients' capital. With this in mind, UBP clearly defined its positioning from the very beginning of 2011, removing all its exposure to the sovereign bonds of some of the eurozone's peripheral countries, underweighting equities and allocating a large proportion of its portfolios' assets to gold.

Note to editors

UBP is a leading private bank in Switzerland and is one of the country's best-capitalised banks, with a Tier 1 ratio of more than 22%. The Bank specialises in wealth management for both private and institutional clients. It is based in Geneva and employs 1,500 staff in some twenty locations worldwide. The Bank had CHF 72 billion (USD 77 billion) in assets under management as at 31 December 2011.


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Jérôme Koechlin

Head of Communications

Tel. : +41/58'819'26'40

E-Mail: jko@ubp.ch

Internet: www.ubp.com

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