FRITZ!Card Ready for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

FRITZ!Card Now with 64-bit Drivers

Berlin, Germany

- FRITZ!Card supports AMD's and Intel's 64-bit platforms

- Active ISDN-Controllers also have native

64-bit support 64-bit drivers for all current FRITZ!Card ISDN and ADSL products are now available for downloading from AVM. The Berlin communications specialist is among the first company to integrate its products in the Microsoft operating system "Windows XP Professional x64 Edition." The new drivers support both AMD's and Intel's platforms, AMD64 and EM64T. Both the AVM drivers and the Microsoft operating system itself are currently available as beta versions.

64-bit Drivers for FRITZ!Card ISDN and FRITZ!Card DSL

AVM now provides 64-bit CAPI drivers for all the current FRITZ!Card DSL products, in addition to the 64-bit drivers for its ISDN-Controllers FRITZ!Card PCI and FRITZ!Card PCMCIA, which were released in October. All of these drivers are available now for AMD's and Intel's 64-bit platforms, AMD64 and EM64T. As a result, FRITZ!Card owners are well prepared for the 64-bit Microsoft operating system, which is expected to be released in the coming year. Because the drivers also support existing 32-bit programs, a wide range of applications is available right from the start.

Active ISDN-Controllers Also Have Native 64-bit Support

64-bit driver software for AVM's active ISDN-Controllers B1, C2 and C4, has long been available to integrate these cards in Microsoft's "Windows Server 2003 x64 Beta" operating system, and is included on the Microsoft installation CD. 64-bit CAPI support for the same active ISDN-Controllers in Linux is also available in the "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for AMD64/Intel EM64T" system.

Downloadable from www.avm.de

The drivers, currently released as an unsupported beta version, can be obtained free of charge from the AVM download area, and can be installed on the 64-bit "Windows XP Professional x64 Edition" operating system, which is likewise currently available in a beta release. Integrated ADSL NDIS WAN and PPPoE drivers, or an ISDN (Co)NDIS WAN driver, are installed with the 64-bit driver versions for the appropriate FRITZ!Card products - as in the past with the AVM drivers for 32-bit operating systems. This makes Internet access convenient to set up, both for ADSL and for ISDN lines. The installation itself is performed, as usual, with the Windows Hardware Wizard. For more detailed information on installing and using the drivers, please see the Readme files supplied with the software. AVM welcomes feedback during the beta phase: users can send e-mail to amd64@avm.de.

About AVM

AVM products connect the PC to ISDN and ADSL to permit fast Internet connections and economical telephone service. For wireless links, the Berlin communications specialist exploits both Bluetooth and WLAN wireless technologies. For Internet telephony, or "Voice over IP", users connect their existing telephones to AVM products. In addition to its applications for the professional sector, AVM's FRITZ! family of products is extremely popular. All FRITZ! products are complete hardware and software solutions developed by AVM. Available as internal cards, USB adapters and PBX systems, the FRITZ! products undergo continuing development, providing true added value. FRITZ! products have received many awards in the IT press, commending both their ease of use and the high security standards they fulfill from the word go.

Founded in 1986 in Berlin, AVM earned sales of EUR150 million in 2003 with 460 employees.

Urban Bastert Head of Public Relations

Alt-Moabit 95,

10559 Berlin


Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 399 76-214

Fax: +49 (0)30 / 399 76-640

Mail u.bastert@avm.de

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