Lomography at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2003
Utl.: Lomo at 'Home' exhibition: Russia today - seen through hundreds of Russian eyes and Russian lenses. =
Vienna (OTS) - The Lomographic Society International and the Frankfurt Book Fair Present
Lomo At Home
- Russian celebrities lomograph their homes
- 20,000 Lomographic photographs on 500sqm
- Daily events (live - readings, music, film, vodka): 4-7pm, Wednesday 8 to Monday 13 October 2003. Hall 4.0,
Stand D107
Russia, that great nation of poets, thinkers, artists and style-mongers with its endless wealth of old and new intellectual and cultural treasures is this year's guest country at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Wherever the Russian spirit prevails Lomography can't be far away: The Lomographic Society passed around 50 of the indubitable Lomo cameras (www.lomography.com) to Russian celebrities (politicians, factory workers, writers, car mechanics, students, artists, pensioners and others). The task set was to lomograph their everyday lives, to take quick snapshots of Russian life today, to show what Russians see when they go about their daily lives.
The result on display over 500sqm in Hall 4.0, Stand D107: over 20,000 small images, colourful, wild, strong, fast photographs partly arranged in mobile 'LomoWalls', creating a veritable flood of images, all together contributing to an emotionally laden, max-authentic atmospheric image of Russia at the beginning of the millennium. As far as the contents of all these images are concerned, we can reveal just so much: Russians go in for a great deal of hearty socialising, are frequently creative and athletic by nature, they work with much sincerity and enthusiasm, they have a love of detail, enjoy themselves frequently by day or night. And, above all, they are into finding and eating shrooms!
The exhibition surface for the Lomographic project at the Book Fair is amply equipped with chill-out-compatible seating, it invites guests to immerse themselves in the Russian flood of images, but also in presentations of literature, music and films (e.g. the one hour BBC documentary, 2003) and information on Lomographic projects and products (e.g. a glimpse into the over 2,000,000 images to be found in the Lomographic WorldArchive). The exhibition is open for the complete duration of the Book Fair; there is a live programme from Wednesday to Sunday, starting at 4pm, with vodka, readings, performances and DJ music - all strictly Russian, of course!
- Images: at www.lomography.com/lwa (LomographyWorldArchive), type 'lomo@home' in the search mask.
- Details of the participating artists and events: at www.lomography.com/events, see 'view details'.
- Everything on the subject of Lomography: www.lomography.com/about
- Information on the Lomographic Image Bank www.lomography.com/lib