EBACE2005 Press Registration

Business Editors/Aviation Writers/Tradeshow Writers

EBACE2005 WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 2, 2005--Members of the media are invited to attend the 2005 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2005), the only major European event focused solely on business aviation. This year's exhibition, the fifth of its kind, will be held from May 18 through 20 at the Geneva Palexpo Conference Center in Geneva, Switzerland.

EBACE brings together business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, corporate aviation department personnel and all manner of people involved in nearly all aspects of business aviation. New business aircraft firms, avionics firms, handling organizations, fractional providers, charter/lease companies and previously titled aircraft resellers display their wares at the exhibition.

EBACE is jointly hosted each year by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the leading association for business aviation in Europe, and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), the leading voice for the business aviation industry worldwide.

The exhibition will take place at the Geneva Palexpo Conference Center. There, EBACE will showcase more than 260 exhibiting business aviation product and service providers from around the world in a display covering over 16,000 square meters of the conference center. This exhibition in Hall 7 will be strategically located immediately adjacent to Geneva International Airport, where 43 aircraft, including nearly every major business aircraft design in current production, will be on display for direct questions and product comparisons in a special 18,000-square-meter Static Display area.

The event will kick off with an Opening General Session focusing on international and global industry trends. This session will be moderated by EBAA CEO Brian M. Humphries and NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen.

Press Registration/Badges

Press badges, which are required to gain entry into the exhibit hall and all technical meetings, will be issued at no charge to editors, reporters and camera personnel. Press credentials may be obtained at the EBACE2005 Press Room by presenting a press card or suitable identification. The media may register in advance by completing the EBACE2005 registration form at www.ebace.aero and indicating membership in a press organization.

Press badges are available for pickup on-site in the EBCE Press Room; they will not be mailed to registrants in advance. If someone other than media from your organization wishes to attend EBACE2005, contact Darcy Christiansen, EBACE European Office, at +32-2-766-0076 or dchristiansen@ebaa.org or Jan Kelliebrew, EBACE USA Office, at (202) 783-9283 or jkelliebrew@nbaa.org for Delegate registration information.

Press Room Hours and Facilities

The Press Room will open on Tuesday, May 17 - one day before the official exhibit floor opening. Press room hours of operation for each day will be at 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Press Room will be equipped with telephones, computers (with Internet access), and a fax-and-photocopy machine. Light snacks and beverages will be provided throughout the day.

Press Conferences

Press conferences will be held at Geneva Palexpo Conference Center Hall 1, beginning on Tuesday, May 17. A schedule of press conferences is listed on the official EBACE web site, www.ebace.aero, and a final listing will be posted in the Press Room on May 17. Press conferences are scheduled so as to provide maximum press access and minimize scheduling conflicts; therefore, only those press conferences scheduled through EBACE2005 will be listed on the official web site. Exhibitors also may schedule invitation-only press events in hotels, at their booths, or at other locations, although we encourage use of official EBACE2005 press facilities to avoid scheduling conflicts among events.

The 5th Annual European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2005) will be held May 18 through 20, 2005, at Geneva Palexpo Conference Center, located immediately adjacent to Geneva International Airport in Geneva, Switzerland. The only European exhibition to focus exclusively on business aviation, EBACE is organized jointly by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and European Business Aviation Association (EBAA).

Members of the media may receive EBACE Press Releases immediately via e-mail. To subscribe to the EBACE Press Release e-mail list, submit the online form at www.ebace.aero/welcome/presslist.php.


National Business Aviation Association

Dan Hubbard, 202-783-9360


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