The Everyday Patriot

Princesa de Asturias, Leonor de Todos Los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz at the start of her military training.
Warsaw, Holy Mass for the Homeland, Cardinal, temple of Divine Providence.
A crowned White-tailed Eagle.
London, UK, National Idepedence day in Trafalgar Square.

On Monday morning, in Warsaw - Nov. 11th, 2024.

It should be noted that Belgium, France, and New Zealand celebrate Nov. 11th, as a day of truce. In general, Great Britain and Spain don't celebrate this holiday because they didn't lose their independence.

Every nation likes and respects its national symbols. The flag of RP beautifully and proudly flutters in the wind, visible from affair high above all the school, while children sing the anthem, read poems on the stage of freedom and liberation from the totalitarian yoke.

The Polish nation and the Polish citizens in Spain, the UK, or U.S. and around the world, take great pride in their native country and associate themselves with the colors white and red. A crowned white-tailed eagle on a red shield has been Poland's national symbol and coat of arms since the Middle Ages. That can be seen in London's White Eagle Hill or at the Gate of Dawn in Lithuania, concluded Marcin Szymczak-Nowosielski.

National symbols are primarily images to represent the country's unique customs, traditions, cultural life, and its over 1000-year history. The officially adopted flag of the Republic of Poland from 1831, is a symbol of freedom before which citizens recite the pledge of allegiance.

The official symbols are described in two legal documents. In the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, and the Coat of Arms, Colors and Anthem of the Republic of Poland and the State Seals Act. The provisions of te law permit to place the coat of arms or colors of the RP on items intended for commercial use in a stylized or artistically processed form. The White Eagle was and is proudly placed on the uniforms or military vehicles and is also defined in the Ordinance of the Minister of National Defense.

On Independence Day, the story prepared by the young people, about the difficult path to freedom, is also an expression of the mission that the patriots have set for itself: to educate children in the spirit of patriotism and respect in the spirit of universal human values in UE.

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