Vabljeni na predavanja prof. dr. Michaela Woodsa

Ljubljana, 15. 3. 2013


Oddelek za geografijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani Vas vljudno vabi na predavanja prof. dr. Michaela Woodsa, enega vodilnih evropskih strokovnjakov za podeželje. Verjetno so Vam poznani njegovi priljubljeni in cenjeni učbeniki (Rural Geography - več izdaj), teoretski prispevki (Rural, 2011; več člankov v Progress in Human Geography, Sociologiji Ruralis ipd.), pa tudi urednikovanje Journal of Rural Studies. Gost prihaja z Univerze v Aberystwythu (Wales, Združeno kraljestvo) in je z našim oddelkom že sodeloval v projektu DERREG (razvoj podeželja v dobi globalizacije, 7. Okvirni program EU; več na: www.derreg.eu).

Dr. Woods se bo družil z nami v zadnjem tednu aprila, vsa predavanja bodo na Oddelku za geografijo (Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana - 2. nadstropje). Predaval bo trem različnim skupinam: doktorskim (ponedeljek, 22. 4. 2013) in magistrskim študentom (sreda, 24. 4. 2013), javno predavanje pa je namenjeno raziskovalcem, strokovni javnosti in vsem, ki jih zanima sodobno podeželje (torek, 23. 4. 2013). Predavanja bodo v angleškem jeziku, dr. Woods se zelo veseli tudi Vaših vprašanj in razprav.

Kratek opis vsebine predavanj

Datum: ponedeljek, 22. 4. 2013

Termin: 15.30-17.10 (predavalnica 233)

Predmet: Sodobna teorija geografskega raziskovanja

Vrsta predavanja: predavanje je namenjeno doktorskim študentom

Naslov predavanja: 'Relational Theory and Researching Place'

This lecture will introduce PhD students to the relational theories of place and space developed by geographers including Ash Amin, Doreen Massey and Jonathan Murdoch, which argue that places are not free-standing bounded territories, but rather entanglements of social, economic and cultural relations. In particular, the lecture will discuss how relational theory provides a new perspective on analysing globalization and its impact on local economies and cultures. The approach will be illustrated by working through an example of understanding rural places as relational constructs, and the lecture will finish by considering the methodological implications of adopting a relational approach to researching place.

Datum: torek, 23. 4. 2013

Termin: 17.10-18.50 (predavalnica 232)

Tip predavanja: javno predavanje

Naslov predavanja: 'The Global Countryside? Rural Agency and Transformation in Globalization'

This open lecture will discuss the changing situation of rural areas in globalization. It will start by presenting evidence of the globalization of rural economies and societies and movement towards a 'global countryside'. However it will the argue that globalization does not mean that rural areas are becoming the same, instead it suggests that globalization is contested and negotiated through rural places leading to different outcomes in different places. This is illustrated by three short examples: conflict over international amenity migration in New Zealand; the initiative of Australian farmers in developing transnational business networks; and political mobilization against globalization in rural France.

Datum: sreda, 24. 4. 2013

Termin: 11.30-13.00 (predavalnica 232)

Predmet: Endogeni razvoj podeželja

Tip predavanja: predavanje je namenjeno študentom magistrske stopnje

Naslov predavanja: 'Globalization and Rural Development'

This lecture will discuss the implications of globalization for rural development, contrasting commentaries that suggest that rural areas are victims of globalization with literature that proposes that local actors can have influence in shaping the outcome of globalization processes in rural areas. It then discusses and compares three different approaches to rural development in the context of globalization: the interventionist approach of Ireland, in which the state took a lead in attracting foreign direct investment; the neoliberal approach of Australia, where state supports have been withdrawn with the intention of making rural industries and communities more competitive in the global economy; and the twin-track approach of China, where the vigorous development of some rural localities and engagement with the global economy, is paralleled by the limited development of other areas.

Upamo, da so navedene tematike za vas zanimive. Vljudno vabljeni.

Lepo prosimo, da svojo udeležbo potrdite na naslov: irma.potocnik@ff.uni-lj.si

Z lepimi pozdravi,

doc. dr. Irma Potočnik Slavič koordinatorkadoc. dr. Blaž Repe predstojnik