Foto: Miha Lunar
Foto: Miha Lunar
Foto: Miha Lunar
Foto: Miha Lunar

Martin Pegius (1523-1592)

Razstava del ob 500-letnici rojstva

Ob 500-letnici rojstva Martina Pegija, čigar doprsni kip stoji pred glavnim vhodom na Pravno fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani, so v preddverju knjižnice Pravne fakultete razstavljeni izvirniki in faksimili njegovih najpomembnejših del ter njegova podoba, ki se je ohranila na nagrobnem reliefu v Salzburgu. Avtor razstave je as. Vid Žepič, na ogled pa bo vsaj do konca leta.

Martin Pegius (Pegij) se je rodil okoli leta 1523 v Polhovem Gradcu. Leta 1552 se omenja kot doktor obojega prava v Ingolstadtu, 1552 kot mestni pisar v Mühldorfu ob Innu, 1553 kot kapiteljski in urbarski pisar ter zapisnikar v Salzburgu. Od leta 1558 je bil knezoškofijski svétnik, prisednik konzistorija in odvetnik salzburškega kapitlja. Med leti 1557 in 1566 je spisal vrsto pravnih del, pozneje pa se je posvetil matematiki, govorništvu in astrologiji. Pegij se je zavedal, da jezikovna nedostopnost v latinščini pisanih pravnih razprav otežuje uporabo prava v praksi, zato je večino del, ki so praviloma obravnavala najbolj žgoča vprašanja iz prakse, napisal v nemškem jeziku in ne tedaj prevladujoči latinščini. Kot prvi je prevedel del Justinijanovega kodeksa v nemščino, s čimer je pomembno pripomogel k razvoju nemške pravne terminologije. Njegove pravne razprave so doživele več izdaj še v prvi polovici 18. stoletja. Ljubljanski operozi so ga krstili za kranjskega Balda. Martina Pegija lahko štejemo za prvega kranjskega učenega pravnika, ki si je s svojim obsežnim znanstvenim opusom prislužil mednarodni ugled.

Angleška spletna stran:

Exhibition Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Pegius (1523-1592)

In honor of the 500th anniversary of Martin Pegius's birth, an exhibition featuring originals and facsimiles of his most significant works is currently on display in the library of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana. The curator of the exhibition is Assistant Vid Žepič.

Martin Pegius was born around the year 1523 in Polhov Gradec (Duchy of Carniola). In 1552, he is mentioned as a doctor utriusque iuris in Ingolstadt, in 1552 as a municipal clerk in Mühldorf on the Inn, and in 1553 as a chapter and land register clerk in Salzburg. His services expanded to include acting as a councillor for the prince-bishop of Salzburg, a consistory member, and a lawyer for the Salzburg chapter starting in 1558. Between 1557 and 1566, he wrote a series of legal works, later dedicating himself to mathematics, rhetoric, and astrology. Recognizing the linguistic barriers posed by legal discussions in Latin, Pegius chose to address critical legal matters in German rather than the prevalent Latin. Therefore, he wrote most of his works dealing with the most pressing legal issues in the German language, rather than in the prevailing Latin. He was the first to translate a part of Justinian's Code into German, contributing to the development of German legal terminology. His legal treatises went through multiple editions until the first half of the 18th century. Martin Pegius, dubbed "Carniolan Baldus" by Ljubljana's legal society, stands as the inaugural learned jurist from the Duchy of Carniola, earning international esteem through his comprehensive scientific contributions.