Emonika: The first multifunctional construction with BREEAM certification

Preparatory work is underway for the construction of Emonika, a modern multifunctional complex, near the Ljubljana bus and railway station. This development will position Slovenia's capital alongside other major developed European cities. The construction of the complex will follow the principles of sustainable development and adhere to ESG guidelines. Miha Gostiša, technical director of Mendota Invest, revealed some details about the project, which will become not only a modern economic and social centre, but also an important cultural symbol that respects and preserves history while integrating it into the modern urban environment.

Previously an abandoned industrial area is undergoing a remarkable transformation, Emonika will be the first multifunctional building in Ljubljana with BREEAM certification, making it a pioneering environmentally sustainable project in the country. "We pay a lot of attention to ESG principles, which remain our priority. We will consider and respect all aspects of environmental measures identified as key topics both in the construction and operational phases of the Emonika project, " explains Gostiša.

Energy efficiency and BREEAM certification are the main goals of the project

The main goals of the project are energy efficiency and obtaining BREEAM certification, making the entire construction project one of the first multifunctional complexes in Ljubljana of its kind. Responsible construction practices will follow the use of sustainable materials, green energy, proper recycling of construction waste and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. The characteristics of the operational phase include efforts for energy-efficient operation of the company and properties, such as reducing energy consumption by 30 % by 2030, reducing the overall carbon emissions impact throughout the building's lifecycle and encouraging tenants to implement green measures. For example, paperless offices, waste separation, and the use of green mobility, etc.

A green, cultural, social, and economic centre

An important part of the Emonika project in its later stages will be urban greening, which will include planting trees and other vegetation. As many green areas as possible will be arranged on the roof terraces and surroundings. This will improve air quality, provide cooling for the area, and create a pleasant environment for residents and visitors. Architectural elements of the roofs are designed to provide natural shading. Triple glazing on glass surfaces will help reduce cooling and heating costs.

The Emonika complex will include a shopping centre, two hotels, 187 apartments and office spaces, with an investment value between 350 and 400 million euros.