Fraport Group Sees Third Quarter Growth In All Traffic Categories Despite the Slowing Economy

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide reported increases in all traffic categories for the third quarter. Well over 22.4 million passengers used the airports of the Fraport Group from July to September 2003, some 3.4 percent more than in the same period last year. Air cargo and airmail tonnage handled totaled just under 491,900 metric tons (up 1.6 percent). Aircraft movements rose by 0.5 percent to 201,600 take-offs and landings. The Fraport Group comprises six airports: Frankfurt Main (Germany), Antalya (Turkey), Frankfurt-Hahn (Germany), Hanover (Germany), Lima (Peru) and Saarbrücken (Germany).

With well over 14 million, passenger figures at Frankfurt Airport (FRA) reached the previous year's level. Airfreight and airmail activity at FRA fell 2 percent short of the 2002 third-quarter results, with a volume of 402,300 metric tons handled. Aircraft movements declined by 1.4 percent to about 120,000 take-offs and landings. Fraport AG's home base and most important location Frankfurt Airport continued to be affected by lackluster business travel activity resulting from the slowing economy. The number of package tour travelers also fell short of the 2002 level. Traffic on East European and intercontinental routes (e.g., to an from the U.S.A. and India) gave impetus for growth. Cargo business was depressed by the strong euro and its curbing effect of higher export prices on the German export industry.

Hanover and, especially, Frankfurt-Hahn Airport profited from the continuing boom in services offered by low-cost carriers. Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, which is located in the Hunsrück region west of Frankfurt, continued to grow at a considerably more dynamic rate than the rest of the industry: Some 702,800 passengers used Frankfurt-Hahn Airport in the third quarter of 2003, representing an increase of 58.2 percent. Cargo tonnage handled at this airport grew by 16.2 percent to 41,000 metric tons. Aircraft movements increased 21.9 percent to nearly 8,600 take-offs and landings.

At the airport of Hanover -- the capital of the German state of Lower Saxony - traffic figures were also buoyed up by low-cost carriers. About 1.65 million passengers traveled through Hanover Airport in the third quarter, an increase of 9.2 percent. Cargo volume handled reached 3,800 metric tons, up 20.7 percent from the same period last year. With 24,360 take-offs and landings, aircraft movements at Hanover also grew by 2 percent. Saarbrücken Airport recorded over 167,600 passengers in the third quarter of 2003. This represented an increase of 1.5 percent on the same period in 2002.

Recovering from the slump caused by the Iraq war, traffic at Antalya Airport was picking up again in the period from July to September: During this period, some 4.6 million passengers used this tourist travel hub, which is located in the Turkish Riviera - an increase of 6.6 percent. With 5.6 percent, growth at Peru's Lima Airport occurred at nearly the same rate, bringing the airport's passenger total to 1,25 million in the third quarter.

Fraport Group - Traffic Figures for the Third Quarter of 2003


Airports Passen - Change Air- Change Aircraft Change

gers(1) in% freight in % Movements in %

abs. in % (metric abs tons).


Frankfurt 14,024,494 0.0 402,342 -2.0 119,948 -1.4

Antalya(2) 4,607,948 6.6 n.a. n.a. 26,165 2.3

Hahn(3) 702,849 58.2 41,043 16.2 8,572 21.9

Hanover 1,652,352 9.2 3,813 20.7 24,360 2.0

Lima 1,246,692 5.6 44,606 27.1 18,196 -0.3

Saarbrücken 167,628 1.5 49 25.6 4,357 2.5

Fraport 22,401,963 3.4 491,853 1.6 201,598 0.5



(1) Passengers (commercial traffic: arrivals + departures + transit)

(2) International passengers and movements

(3) Hahn cargo (incl. cargo transported by truck)

ots Original Text Service: Fraport AG

Internet: http://www.naeurope.co.uk

For More Information, Please Contact:

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide

Attn: Robert A. Payne - Manager International Press

60547 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel.: +49 69 690 -78547

Fax: +49 69 690 -60548

E-Mail: r.payne@fraport.de

Internet: www.fraport.com