"For Diversity. Against Discrimination." Journalist Award 2004 - the countdown is running

Until 31.December 2004 print and online journalists still have the chance to enter the "For Diversity. Against Discrimination." Journalist Award 2004. The competition is open to journalists from all 25 EU Member States and aims to honour journalists who contribute to a better public understanding of the benefits of diversity and the fight against discrimination.

Eligible candidates must have published an article (of at least 5,000 characters) in print or online media in 2004. Entries are accepted in all 20 official EU languages. Articles should deal with issues of discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability and sexual orientation and the promotion of diversity in employment.

Media professionals and anti-discrimination experts will select 25 national award winners plus three finalists for the EU-wide award. Entries will be assessed according to their news value, relevance, complexity of research and preparation, originality, and quality of the article, as well as their significance and interest for the general public. The EU finalists can win a trip to the EU country of their choice.

Further Information: www.stop-discrimination.info.

Press contact:


Silke Nütten

Tel: +49 30 65 000-305

E-mail: s.nuetten@media-consulta.com