MMS Market Leader conVISUAL Introduces Peanuts, Dilbert & Co. For Comic Messaging

Oberhausen (ots) - Following the successful launch of mobile comic messaging services for numerous renowned companies, conVISUAL is expanding its content offering to include comic strip characters Peanuts, Dilbert and the Snufflebears. Comic messaging converts simple SMS text into lively comic images with text. Starting immediately, customers can use Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Dilbert and the Snufflebears - in addition to Garfield and SouthPark - to send mobile messages to mobile phone displays.

The launch of its new comic strip characters Peanuts and Co. will make the comic messaging service of MMS expert conVISUAL and its California-based Partner FunMail even more attractive for customers. World-famous comic characters from Garfield and SouthPark are already included in the service and have won over many domestic and international companies. MSN UK, RTL, handy.de, Sonera Zed and Cewe Color offer comic messaging for mobile phones capable of transmitting images. Two German network operators are already using the MMS service successfully.

Comic messaging turns pure text messages into amusing comic messages. Simply enter an SMS with the recipient number, send it to a shortcode and the recipient sees an animated comic strip with a text message on his MMS mobile phone. At the same time, the service guarantees that all devices capable of transmitting images (smart messaging) are fully compatible. In that case, the recipient sees the comic strip as a picture message. conVISUAL offers comic messaging as part of its "Mobile Corner" service package as well. The "Mobile Corner" package also includes comic messaging as well as logos, picture messages and ring tones. conVISUAL's content portfolio features comic strip characters and always current hit music to appeal to the youth market, its core customer group. conVISUAL offers its customers guaranteed ways to succeed in the mass market for mobile devices.

Comic messaging is as simple as sending an SMS: Enter the recipient's number, then a space and an SMS text, for example, "01721234567 Great to see you!", and then send it to 82228 (works in all German networks). The recipient sees the message with an appropriate picture message from Peanuts and Co. To transmit an animated MMS message, simply send the SMS to 2122 in the German Vodafone or O2 network.

conVISUAL has direct connections to all large German network operators and thus guarantees that multimedia messages can be easily sent through German networks without problems. Based on this foundation, conVISUAL also offers SMS and MMS gateway services that renowned customers are already using in successful multimedia and mobile campaigns.

conVISUAL - The Home of Visual Messaging Services.

conVISUAL is the first Wireless Application Service Provider focused on the realisation of Visual and Multimedia Messaging Services. Through an innovative product portfolio conVISUAL creates opportunities for network operators, service providers, ISPs and media companies to expand their businesses by leveraging the extraordinary potential of multimedia messaging services. conVISUAL's Multimedia Message Broker (MMB) is the intelligent platform for the creation, personalisation, conversion, and distribution of mobile multimedia messages. Using the MMB, conVISUAL operates numerous messaging applications, that are growing concurrently with the emerging multimedia facilities of mobile devices: The MMB supports all of today's common messaging standards, such as SMS, Smart Messaging, EMS, MMS, WAP Push, and other proprietary formats. Based in Oberhausen in Germany, conVISUAL employs a talented and experienced team, concentrating highest industry excellence including Ericsson, Mannesmann Mobilfunk, Nokia, and Theron Business Consulting.

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