conVISUAL's New Mobile Messaging Service, "VisualTXT," is the Key to Success for MMS

Oberhausen, Germany (ots) - Numerous network operators worldwide offer first generation visual messaging, generating an enormous increase in SMS and MMS messages. After 18 months of experience with this very successful first generation service, conVISUAL has now developed and significantly improved the service creating the second generation visual messaging service called "VisualTXT". This service automatically converts regular SMS text into multimedia messages with matching pictures, photos and sounds and bridges the gap between Smart Messaging-capable phones and MMS-capable phones.

Numerous network operators throughout Europe and Asia offer the first generation visual messaging service, generating more than 100,000 transactions per month for each of these customers. After 18 months of experience, conVISUAL has now developed and significantly improved the service creating the second generation visual messaging service called "VisualTXT". "VisualTXT" automatically turns SMS text into colour pictures, funny cartoon animations or actual photographs plus a relevant soundtrack for MMS phones. Users with Smart Messaging-capable phones will receive the graphics as a black and white still picture message.

conVISUAL implemented VisualTXT's new features based on its long experience in visual messaging and on the results of extensive end user market research that it undertook during the summer of 2003.

One of VisualTXT's new features is the support of sound for MMS. VisualTXT's MMS pictures and animations are now accompanied by a soundtrack specially suited to the message. Another new feature is a much wider variety of contents enlarged by a greater variety of cartoon characters. A third new feature is the introduction of realistic photographs from one of the world's largest photo archive. With a wide range of motifs, e. g. landscapes, animals, funny, cool, or sexy photos, the user has not only the possibility of having a cake delivered by Kandy Kool but he can also send a photo realistic birthday cake. Through its enlarged content library, VisualTXT manages to reach a much larger target audience: All mobile users are addressed, since there are cartoons, graphics and photos for everybody! conVISUAL's end user market study showed that the VisualTXT service is popular with both males and females from all age groups. The study also showed that 91% of the interviewees intend to use VisualTXT on a regular basis.

SMS is the simplest and most often deployed user interface for mobile applications and is also the primary interface for VisualTXT. When the subscriber is using the SMS interface, there is no particular order for the insertion of the message text, the recipient's mobile number and any other optional codes for the selection of the type of content.

With its new features meeting the end user's needs, VisualTXT by conVISUAL is the operator's key to success for MMS. conVISUAL has launched visual messaging at many operators and has created a marketing formula that virtually guarantees its success for the network operator. The formula utilises a combination of free samples (direct marketing), contest, print advertising, plus online and retail promotions. The sampling campaign involves the mobile user receiving a free VisualTXT message on his device containing a short message about how to use the service. This works extremely well (i. e. response rates of greater than 10%) because the end users do not regard the free sample as bothersome spam but rather as a valuable free sample. conVISUAL's operator customers have also requested conVISUAL to directly integrate various direct marketing tools into the VisualTXT platform in order to virtually guarantee a certain monthly level of transactions.

The way that VisualTXT works is very simple: Just type a text message and add the recipient's phone number in any order, send it to a short code and the recipient will receive an animation with sound, together with the text message on his MMS mobile. If the user, for example, inserts "I love you 01721234567" the recipient will receive a colour animation like a smiling Garfield swimming in a sea of gleaming hearts with a relevant "love-oriented" soundtrack. End users with Smart Messaging-capable devices will receive the graphics as a black and white still picture message.

conVISUAL - The Home of Visual and Multimedia Messaging Services

conVISUAL, with its headquarters in Oberhausen, Germany, is the world's leading Wireless Application Service Provider for Visual and Multimedia Messaging Services. Utilising its innovative product portfolio, conVISUAL hosts mobile Multimedia Messaging Services for network operators, service providers, ISPs and portals as well as media companies and consumer goods companies. conVISUAL offers enabling products, such as SMS gateways, MMS gateways, premium billing and payment solutions as well as numerous SMS and MMS applications, i. e. download services, mobile channels, MMS greeting cards, MMS to Postcard and MMS TV Chat. All applications are based on the Multimedia Message Broker (MMB), conVISUAL's sophisticated and well-established messaging platform enabling the creation, personalisation, conversion and distribution of mobile multimedia messages. conVISUAL is a member of the Apollis Group. Apollis focuses on mobile applications in the areas of marketing, information and entertainment.


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