European Corporate Governance Conference 2021- Beyond Traditional Corporate Governance - Sustainability & innovation

ONLINE | 9. november 2021 | 14.00 - 17.00

PROGRAM in PRIJAVE: https://www.zdruzenje-ns.si/aktualno/dogodki/european-corporate-governance-conference-2021-387#tabs-1/

Organized by EY, ecoDa and the Slovenian Directors' Association (SDA) and in partnership with ACCA, BusinessEurope and EuropeanIssuers, the European Corporate Governance Conference 2021 - an accompanying event to the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU - brings together decision-makers (European Commission and European Parliament), academics and key business experts from EU and beyond.

A discussion about Corporate Governance along the lines of Sustainability & Innovation is quite timely given the European Commission ongoing initiatives related to the European Green Deal and the Capital Markets Union, such as Sustainable Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainable Reporting and external audit.

This year the Conference will discuss the following:

  • How Corporate Governance and reporting obligations can increase understanding of the changing scene and new challenges in order to better foster the long-term existence of companies?

  • Are we witnessing a real paradigm shift?

  • How to ensure that companies do not just "green" their activities but embed new strategic models?

Conference agenda


Welcome to sharing expectations between conference speakers and discussion topics - Irena Prijović, Executive Director, Slovenian Directors' Association


Opening speech: Julie Teigland, EY EMEIA Area Managing Partner and EY Global Leader


Keynote speech: Salla Saastamoinen, Acting Director-General, DG JUST, European Commission


A conversation between Dr. Roger Baker, Director of Policy and Corporate Governance at the Institute of Directors (IoD) and Göran Espelund, Board Member at Lannebo Fonder AB, moderated by Andrew Hobbs, EY EMEIA Public Policy Leader


Corporate Governance as a tool to embed SUSTAINABILITY:

The European Commission's will implement the Green Deal is not wavering. Different EC initiatives such as Sustainable Corporate Governance and due diligence will complete this European strategy. How Corporate Governance and reporting obligations can increase understanding of the changing scene and new challenges in order to better foster the long-term existence of companies? Are we witnessing a real paradigm shift? How to ensure that companies do not just "green" their activities but embed new strategic models?

A debate with:

  • Elisabeth Gambert, CSR and International Affairs Director, AFEP

  • Leena Linnainmaa, Secretary General, Directors' Institute Finland

  • John Bendermacher, Chief Audit Executive, Euroclear

  • Filip Gregor, Head of the Responsible Companies Section, Frank Bold

  • Rachael Johnson, Head of Risk Management and Corporate Governance, ACCA

Moderator: Maija Laurila, Head of Unit Company Law, DG Justice, European Commission


Corporate Governance as a tool to foster Competition and Innovation

How to make sure that board members invest enough time in foresight. What is the right balance between backward-looking and forward-looking? How can the regulators promote an ecosystem that fosters innovation?

A conversation with:

  • Anne-Hélène Monsellato, Audit Committee member

  • Christoph Van der Elst, Professor at Tilburg and Gent University

  • Evan Epstein, Executive Director & Adjunct Professor at UC Hastings College of the Law

  • Philippe Lambrecht, Chair Business Europe Legal Committee

Moderator: Heidi Hautala, Member of the European Parliament


Wrap-up: Andrew Hobbs, EY & Gorazd Podbevšek, Chair of the Slovenian Directors' Association (SDA)

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